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Climate Change Disclosures—How Regulatory Compliance Leads to Future Litigation Risks with Brian Bell and Kayla Race

Kent Schmidt

What are the implications of the SEC’s new mandate and California’s new climate laws?

Recent additions to the climate change regulatory landscape include a new mandate by the SEC and three new laws enacted in California.

I recently met with my colleagues Brian Bell and Kayla Race, both Regulatory Affairs attorneys, to discuss the new climate change disclosures and how they represent a trend in the U.S. and around the world.

We talked about new regulation requirements and applicability of the SEC rules and California statutes, including steps to take to ensure compliance. Our discussion also covered how a failure to comply with these climate-related obligations may lead to not only regulatory actions and penalties, but also litigation by shareholders, consumers, and other stakeholders.

If you have any comments or feedback on this episode, drop me a line at

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