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To Arbitrate or Not to Arbitrate—That is the Question with Richard Silberberg

Kent Schmidt

How does one thoughtfully weigh the pros and cons of arbitrating a commercial litigation dispute? Are there ways to reduce some of the downsides to private arbitration?

Managing litigation risks includes thinking about the process and forum by which commercial disputes will be resolved. Yet, there is no consensus among business transactional and trial lawyers on whether arbitration provisions are advantageous in most commercial transactions. In this episode, I interview my longtime mentor and New York City-based partner, Richard Silberberg as we tackle the topic of arbitration provisions and discuss how to approach the question of whether and how to agree to an arbitration.


Further resources

  • Read the ABA Litigation Journal article mentioned in this episode of SharkCast:

If you have any comments or feedback on this episode, drop me a line at

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